Return & Refund Policy

We don't process refund for orders which are in "Shipped".
We only process refund for Cancel, Pending or Returned orders. If your
order is shipped, you are requested to check with the 3rd Party Logistics
Provider first to whom your consignment is provided.

 Upon receiving your refund request, our team will initiate
the refund process, crosschecking and verifying the product's receipt. Please
note that the refund for delivered orders, especially those returned through a Hazzle retail store, may take an extended period. This delay is attributed to the return process involving the physical return of the order by the store to Hazzle e-commerce. The timeline is subject to changes in the order status, reversal of the sale (subject to VAT), and adjustments to the payment method. For cash-on-delivery orders, please be advised that cash refunds may not be
applicable, and alternative refund methods will be employed
. We appreciate
your patience and understanding throughout this process.

Please provide your details such as Order No, Order Date,
Contact No.
 (the number from which your order was created), payment
 (Bkash/Nagad/SSLCommerz) and any other relevant information.

If you pay via your debit/credit card (via SSLCommerz) and
make a refund request, after crosschecking and processing from our end it may
take 15-20 working days from the end of SSLCommerz to disburse your

If you pay via Bkash/Nagad and make a refund request, after crosschecking and processing from our end it may take 15-20 working days
from the end of Bkash to disburse your refund.

Size Change

Dear Customer, We are committed to ensure your
satisfaction with any merchandise you have ordered from .
The delivery of your order is subjected to availability of stock. You are
expected to check and receive your product in front of the delivery man. If
your product is damaged, defective, incorrect or has any mismatch in size or
pricing issue at the time of delivery, please return it immediately to the
delivery person
. If the size doesn't fit, you can exchange the size of the
product bought from Hazzle E-Commerce site within 3 days from the
Receive date. We will not accept the exchange request if you request for
exchange after 3 days from the Receive date. We will only accept exchange that
the product(s) being returned for exchange is unused, clean, and in their
original stateand packaging
. In this case please contact our
customer service regarding which store can be the most convenient one for you
to get the replacement from depending on the product, size and stock
availability. You have to call our customer service at +8801896312000. (10.00am
to 9.00pm except Govt. holidays
) to initiate the exchange. An exchange
cannot be done with a product of a different model. Please
keep your invoice safe and intact as it is essential to give the same to the
store while getting your product exchanged